Addington, John Hiley

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, August 1814

Your little Anecdotes of Emperors and he[r]oes [sic] were delectable. Yesterday I was able to receive Mr. Addington in my bed chamber who had a Volume of information of the same kind to pour out. But is his hero. Whose is he not? I had not heard till he told me, that the Duke had the magnanimity as soon as he landed – after five Years of labours and fatigues and difficulties unparalled [sic], after 'hair breadth 'Scapes in the imminent deadly breach'*– to offer to embark instantly for America if Government wished it! Was it not noble?

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, [No date, but likely March/April 1817]

I write a hasty line to take advantage of Mr. Addington’s Patent Frank* to send you a Specimen of my learned labours. I was earnestly desired by some high persons to do something towards an Antidote for the evil Spirit of insurrection which is at work more busily perhaps than you are aware. The Tract inclosed I have adapted to the present times, and it is widely circulated.* Perhaps you would like to order some copies from , and recommend Your Friends to do the same.