Brampton Park

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, December 10 1812

Mr. Sandford let out in the joy of his heart that he and his Mary were to go to Brampton Park in May. Now I know my beloved Lady Ol[ivi]a will forgive me for saying, I hope if [tear]uld indeed be so happy as to make that pleasant visit it will not be at the same t[ime] [tear] I have a great regard for Mr. S. as a pleasant kind Neighbour, I think too that he is an improving character, but I can see him at home. I said not a word of my hope respecting my own visit, but I know he would like to make a party, and besides that tho very amiable he is not particularly intellectual I have another reason why I had rather be excused from joining them, it is too long, and too inconsiderable to trouble you with at present. I trust to that candor which I may say without flattering, makes so amiable a part of your character, to pardon this freedom, and to manage for me.

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, December 29 1812

When I get a good day, which is not often that [tear] fair and alluring vision of Brampton Park dances before my eyes and P. and I actually ta[lk] [tear] of plans and measures. Should this favorite pray[er] be realized I think we should, with submission to /the will of/ a higher power manage to be with you the middle of May at farthest. Remember that I Visit you on an Apostolic principle seeking not yours but you*. So dont be anxious about company.

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, January 1813

I this moment receive your too kind letter, and tho it is late, and tho it is not a writing day,* and tho I have been so unusually ill the whole week, I could not sleep if I did not send you a line. I cannot express the vexation the mortification, I feel at your not having got the book from me.* I directed not Hatchard, but Cadell the Publisher who is always the dispenser of presents because they are sent a few days before publication to send one the very first hour to – and you have not had it – I should have ordered it to Huntingdon with the Bishop's but you my dearest Lady preferred your town House. Such a thing ought not to vex me so much as it does. If you do not find it in Bruton Street – which you will be charitable enough to tell me, I will order Hatchard /Cadell/ to send you the very first of the 2d. Edition, which as the delay has been already so great will I hope put you in possession of a more correct copy. Believe me, it is not that I overrate the Book, by laying so much stress on this disappointment, but that I cannot bear the suspicion of neglect, where both my affections, my esteem and my gratitude are equally concerned.

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, March 18 1813

Being to day under the disqualifying dominion of Calomel*, I can only write a hasty line on the principal topics of your little /but/ kind letter. As far as two sickly human beings can venture to determine, P. and I hope to appear to you at Brampton Park by the middle of May; but the precarious state of my eldest Sister adds to our uncertainty, tho she is much /better/

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, October 26 1813

Adieu my dear Lady Olivia – My Sisters* desire to be presented to you with respect and kindness – P. and I often talk of Brampton,* when Mr. Obins is never forgotten –

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, January 16 1815

I have not heard from you of an age. Do give me a line to say when you go to , that I may know where to send Saint Paul to wait on you. The printing will be finished to morrow I hope and it will probably be out in [deletion] ten days. I have sent your name to Cadell to send Your copy; with that of your neighbour Bishop to Huntingdon, but if you are moving you woud perhaps like it better to meet you in . I am also going to order [to] Hatchard to send You the new Edition of the Dramas with the Additional Scene in Moses.* Pray speak of this to your friends to prevent their encouraging the pirated Editions – The genuine is only printed by Cadell and Davies.

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 27 April [1815]

You are very good to express so kind a wish to see us at Brampton. Few things would give us more pleasure. But I really think home is the only place for invalids, tho the sick in general seem to act on the direct contrary principle But there is another reason – we have already refused some invitations, to travel with /some/ friends and to go to meet others. Among the latter dear Mrs. H. Thornton* wished us to join her at in case she should be able to go. It was with reluctance I was obliged to say I feared we should not be able to accomplish it; tho, her sad situation considered, if we did any thing, it ought to be with a view of seeing her. Notwithstanding her Christian exertions, every letter from her seems to wear a deeper shade of woe.

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, [28? October 1819]

I pray earnestly that the Brampton Visit may prove as profitable as doubtless it was delightful to him. – How good you were in such a state of exhaustion to indulge me with writing! You know how I value your letters; it is in the same proportion in which I value your friendship. I I [sic] hope quiet will soon restore you to your moderate share at least of health and strength. Tho the retirement you meditate is good for your health and your mind, Yet it does not seem the Atmosphere in which you were born to live, in which you can do most good to others. Wherever you are I know you will do good with your pains [unclear] and your exertions; but you are still more wanted where your conversation is heard, and your example seen, and I am not sorry sometimes to hear of you in the higher circles that you may give them a relish for something better than their frivolous pursuits.

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, [March 1820]

I have been honoured by a kind, I had almost said affectionate letter from your friend the Duke of G. He spoke of you and of his visit to Brampton con amore, I have had two letters from Princess Sophia full of kindness and written with her usual good sense. She was staying with the Dss. at .*

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 29 October 1822

I wrote to the dear Viscountess* as soon as I saw by the papers the happy event* had taken /place./ but as I directed it to Brampton Park she may not yet have received it. My heart was with you too my dearest lady but a return of illness has put me back in my most interesting duties. It was an attack brought on by my being overdone with business, brot. on me by the distress of a relation, whom I have put myself to no small inconvenience to assist. – I am still very weak & feverish.