Hannah More to Thomas Cadell

To: Messrs. Cadell & Davies/
Address: Strand
Postmark: 7 o’clock/ 11FE/ 1809NT and T2PYPO[unclear]/ UNPAID /[PALL]MALL

MS: Weston Library, University of Oxford, MS Montagu d. 19, f. 124-5
Published: Undetermined

Dear Sir

As I am writing to the Bishop of London, I inclose three lines in his cover to thank you for your obliging letter received Yesterday

I hope the Printers will attend to your pressing solicitations. If the prospect be so promising I entirely approve of your suggestion of forwarding a third Edition immediately. Nay I would rather run some risk of its not selling, than impede the progress of the Sale for want of a supply.

If you know the Editor of the intended Quarterly Review, (of whom I hear there are good expectations) be so good as send him a Copy of the new Edition for the sake of the new Chap. which opens the 2d. Vol.

I am sorry my Nerves are not strong enough to comply with Yr. wishes respecting the name. I had rather the Critics attacked the Book than the Author tho concealment is now certainly at an end.

I am dear Sr.
Yrs. sincerely
H More