Hannah More to [Thomas Cadell and William Davies]


MS: Weston Library, University of Oxford, MS Montagu d. 19, f. 134
Published: Undetermined


Inclosed is my draft for the stipulated time of payment if agreeable. –

I have for some weeks been turning my thoughts to a new Work. It will be only one Volume about the size of the others. I shall probably give it the Title of “Christian Ethics” or something like it. If health permit I think I shall be able to send a portion of it in November will Mr. Strachan’s Presses be at liberty at that time? I shall wish to bring it out in the Winter and therefore thought it right to apprize you of my intention.

When the new Edit. of Cœlebs is out please to send by Waggon 4 Copies 4 Copies [sic] of “the Princess” and 6 of the Fashionable World.

I am Gentlemen Yr. Obliged and faithful
H More