Hannah More to [Thomas Cadell and William Davies]


MS: Weston Library, University of Oxford, MS Montagu d. 19, f. 132
Published: Undetermined


I have sent for some Copies of the little New Volume “Manners of the Great,” to give away. I conceive it is a proper book to recommend for presents; & am vexed to find it more incorrectly printed than every thing that ever came from your house. If you think there is a prospect of a demand for it, I will set about correcting it. It is I suppose too late for an Errata for the existing Edition.

You will have the goodness to send me a copy of this little work with a Copy of the 12 Edit. of Cœlebs when ready, as it is better to be prepard with corrections, wasted or not. I am Gentlemen

Yr. very Obedt.
H More

I sent the Errata of Cœlebs to Mr. Strachan to save you trouble –