Hannah More to Cadell and Davies

To: Messrs. Cadell and Davies/
Address: Strand/ London.
Postmark: XXY1810

MS: Weston Library, University of Oxford, MS Autogr. c. 19, ff. 83-4.
Published: Undetermined


I was sorry I could not answer yr. letter yesterday, but it was Sunday.

You will make any alterations you please in the Advertisement on the other side, I did not at all know /how/ to word it; I am vexed at this Man’s proceedings. I do not wish to improve those Youthful Essays as I hope to spend my time better this next winter if health permits in some more useful little work, such as you sometime ago suggested, but this intention I have not ment[ioned] [tear] even to my own family.

Have the goodness to send me Your Advertisement cut out of the /News/paper when printed, as I shall put it in the Bath and Bristol papers

I am Gentlemen
Yours very sincerely
H More

I well remember the late Mr. Cadells exertion against this inequitable of literary Property

Messrs. Cadell and Davies desire to inform the Public that the new Edition of the Volume of Essays by Mrs. H. More lately advertised by Sharpe and Hailes is not only unauthorized by her, but against her consent. She having given public Notice many years ago in the Preface to her twelve Volumes that she had suppressed those Essays as a very juvenile work and having /treated/ the same Subjects more in detail in her Strictures on Education.

Cadell and Davies.

Your may abridge or alter any thing you please. I may safely say “against her consent” because they asked it and I refused.