Hannah More to Charles Ogilvie

To: Mr. Charles Ogilvie/
Address: Balliol College/ Oxford
Seal: Red wax

MS: Weston Library, University of Oxford, MS Eng. lett. d. 124, ff. 97-8
Published: Undetermined

Dear Sir

I have had the gratification of hearing by letter from Mr. Simpson of your success in the late Object of your wishes. Tho but a mere trifle I hail it as the harbinger of better things, and especially as an evidence that your discretion and diligence, as well as your literary attainments have contributed to losses if not to remove, the prejudices of those about you.

You have doubtless seen advertised a book entitled “Christian Morals” As they were all bespoke before they came out of the press it has not been in my power to send you a copy I question if they have yet made their way to Oxford. You will however direct Your Bookseller to send for it, and allow me to send the inclosed for the purchase I shall be glad to know your opinion when you have read it. And be sure [to] inform me what reception your Essay met with from your Critical judges

John Hart and Thomas Jones made their Christmas Visit and brought a favourable report, on the whole of the School, and of the good health of Mr. Guillebond’s [unclear] and Mr. Davis’s families. Mr. Bock, who is much your friend, told me he had had some communications with you.

Take care of your health, and all exercise. Miss Cottle made me a good report of /your Sister/

I hope it may please God to bless your labours to his glory. Believe me
Yours very sincerely
H More

We are trying hard for a County Bible Society in Somersetshire, but it is very uphill Work.

My health has been very bad