Hannah More to Mrs Dawson

To: Mrs. Dawson/
Address: Aldcliffe Hall/ near/ Lancaster
Seal: Red wax

MS: Weston Library, University of Oxford, MS Eng. lett. d. 310, ff. 172-3
Published: Undetermined

My dear Madam

Your very obliging letter and the present of Sermons which left you on the 9th. February did not reach me till, I believe, Six weeks after. Two or three days after their arrival, another most agreeable arrival took place, no less than that of your amiable daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Janson. We were intimate friends in half an hour. I know not when I have been more pleased with any guests. Miss Dawson’s modest manners and good sense were very engaging. Mrs. Janson seems to be a very superior woman in all respects, and it is not saying a little, when I say that she appeared worthy of her excellent father. They left a mark of their kindness to our distressed poor. When you write to, or see them, I beg you to assure the whole trio of my affectionate remembrance.

Many thanks for the bountiful copies of the valuable Sermon, which I read with much pleasure to our evening family circle, and which I wait to distribute at our approaching Annual Season of destitution. If the doctrines are made plain by being clearly elucidated, the style is sufficiently elegant for readers of any class and the great numbers of readers which come (of all sorts) within my sphere of action render them particularly acceptable.

As to your question, dear Madam, respecting the Memoires of Sir N. Wraxall, I must say that tho I was slightly acquainted with Sir N. in my younger days, I have not had the curiosity to read his work. It is a subject which I have long wished to see taken up by an able hand, such as Mr. Edmund Burke; when I saw the present work advertised, shall I confess that the name of the Author did not quicken my appetite for the perusal of the very thing I had wished for. And some specimens of the book which I picked up in the Reviews were not of a Nature to induce me to send for the book. The little I read was poorly written, in a bad taste, and not in a good spirit; and my opinion has been since confirmed by better judges than myself. Such an undertaking in the hands of my dear old friend Dr. Johnson would have contai[ned] [tear] a treasure of information, strong sense, pointed remark and striking reflections.

Neither I nor my Sisters have escaped the effects of this unhealthy winter. My health has never been good, and sickness is an evil which advancing age does not mend. I have however great cause to be thankful both for the intervals of health granted so generously to me, and for the frequent attacks of indisposition, which remind me that this is not my rest. May they answer the gracious end for which they are sent! May they serve as a weaning from a world I am so soon to leave, and as a warning to prepare for that on which I am so soon to enter!

I enquired of Miss Dawson what were your hopes respecting the success of the Bible Society her brother was so desirous to establish. I beg my kind regards to all with you, and am my dear Madam

Your very obliged & faithful
H More