Hannah More to [Thomas Cadell and William Davies]


MS: Weston Library, University of Oxford, MS Montagu d. 19, f. 133
Published: Undetermined


As /I/ believe the first Number of Mackler’s Bible [unclear, could be Macklen’s] is published, you will please to send me a Copy as soon as you can, and also all the successive Numbers. A friend of mine has also consented to take it /on/ You will therefore order it to be regularly sent to the Revd. Walter Gray by Bradford Bookseller in Exeter.

Please to send about Monday the tenth a copy of “Hints to a Princess” handsomely bound to the American Ambassador in Baker Street “from the Author”

I heard with much pleasure of the just disposition of a part of Mr. Bangough’s [unclear] countless wealth in favour of his Nephew.

I am Gentlemen yours very sincerely
H More

[Written on the recto of the letter in another hand]

Augt – 14 – 1818 –
Dear Madam,

Though we have not had the pleasure of writing to you for some time past, we beg you to be ashured that it has afforded us the highest gratification to discover in the several Letters, with which you have lately favoured us, such satisfactory proofs of your having so well recovered all your former health & Spirits – and it is our earnest prayer that you may long continue in the enjoyment of this first of earthly blessings –

Mr. Strachan’s people are now gradually advancing with the new Edition of the Volumes which you so kindly corrected for us; and we have so minutely explained to them your wishes respecting the generous Preface & also that to the “Thoughts on the Manners of the Great” that we confidently hope there will be no misconception of any kind of the new Edition –

We now beg leave to say that we shall shortly have occasion to set them to work upon a new Edition of the “Strictures on Female Education” in case you may wish to introduce correction or alteration of any kind –

We are dear Madam –
Your most faithful Servants
C. & D.