Hannah More to William Wilberforce

To: Wm. Wilberforce Esq M. P./
Address: near/ London [in another hand is written] Burnham Court/ Maidstone
Postmark: FREE 4AU4 1819 and FREE 4AU4 1819
Seal: Red wax [removed]

MS: Weston Library, University of Oxford, MS Wilberforce c. 48, ff. 19-20
Published: Undetermined

My dear Friend

I should have answered Your letter the day I received it but poor Patty had a long fainting fit on that day so that I had no heart to write. She is now thank God better again. I need not say how happy we shall be to see /you all./ We can lodge Your Son, and daughters, the two latter I presume can sleep together. We will also either contrive a bed for an Attendant, at home or get one at Wrington. As to the time we wish to give you as much latitude as possible; I woud only observe one thing – It has been for some years our hap to get laid up by fevers early in the autumn last year in Septr. – I therefore only suggest that when you take up your rounds in these quarters you will, if you can, give us the first visit, for no reason but that the later it is deferred, the more likely we are to fall off from our late tolerable health, and it would be grievous to lose you through illness. Remember that you will have very poor spiritual Sunday fare here, and very good at Blaise Castle and at Wells, so the more week days you can give us the better. I quite long to see you.

As to my poor Book it will bring me no credit as /to/ the writing, and much discredit as to the choice and treatment of some of the topics. It is the worst time of the year to bring it out. London is a desert, and I shall preach to a Wilderness, but not like the Baptist. – Poor Davis! so far from a leg of Mutton, he has not a morsel of bread left. but he has great talents and resources which I believe will enable him to build up another means of support. Ministers have been very kind to him and have given the Mauritius to his Son and Dominica to her brother the Spanish General. I believe the loss of his fortune will be the saving of his soul. His letters to me are full of good religious resolutions. His Wife is a true Christian, thinks little of temporal ruin, if it be sanctified to him.

Poor Randolph! a year absent from two more important livings, and a rich Hall at one living with 1200 people no resident Curate, and the one he has a worthless fellow opposing every thing that is serious!

A fortnight since we had our Bible Meeting at Wrington. It was well attended, chiefly I must say by our efforts. After the Meeting, we had at Barley Wood 120 Gentlemen and ladies to dinner and 200 at tea. We had fortunately a fine day so that all the young and the healthy had tables laid in the garden which looked as gay as Vauxhall. I would not go thro’ such fatigue and expence for any other cause in the world but we have seen its use. Two new converts were present, one a rich and elegant woman will go and do likewise. Another, a Nephew of Bishop Dampier from an enemy is become a zealous friend. We had 40 Clergymen of the Establishment, and an old Bible Meetinger said he believed it was the first that had been seen without one Dissenter – So you see we shall not [deletion] /pull/ down the Church.

Poor Teston! I am glad somebody that loved it is there, and that you are that Somebody. What pains was taken to make it perfect for her who says she hates it. –

September which you talk of for your kind visit will be very suitable to us. If you can you will give us week’s notice that we may keep all invaders, as it is the stirring time of year

Affectionate regards to all with you.
Yours my dear friend very faithfully
H More