Hannah More to Dr Carrick

To: Dr. Carrick/
Address: Clifton
Postmark: BRISTOL NO 9 1822
Seal: a stylised capital M in red wax

MS: Weston Library, University of Oxford, MS Eng. lett. d. 2, ff. 244-5
Published: Undetermined

My dear Sir

There has been for some days a struggle in my mind between my respect for your precious time, and the indulgence of my own feelings; but self, as in most other controversies has conquered. I am willing to persuade myself as we are all apt to do, that there is a little faction of good, mixed up with my Motives, and that gratitude has turned the Tide in determining me to scribble a few words to you.

I do indeed feel it an imperative duty to inform you of the improvement of that health of which you have been the instrument of Divine goodness in a good measure to restore. I have certainly gained ground in all respects. I have seldom any head ach, and the night fever is very slight. I have indeed occasional attacks of bile which sometimes give me a bad night, but by frequent recourse to your prescription of the blue pill, it yields; if not, two or three grains of Calomel are called in Aid. Indeed I am obliged to make pretty free use of apenients. – I am ashamed of my own baseness which leads me often to dwell on one bad night, forgetting many good ones. I am grown quite fat; my appetite is too good, and I cannot walk my room /for exercise/ a few times without quickening my pulse; I eat more than I ought, but I could eat more than I do; for I often call to mind the advice which Milton makes the Angel give Adam – “Observe the rule of not too much

I blush at my egotism; but the warm and generous interest you have taken in my long illness, which would have /worn/ out any kindness, less than yours, must be my apology.

I wish I could say that I do not see too much company, but it is only in the morning which I soon recover – I used to say on these occasions “I shall die of exceptions” if my visitors were old, I must see these, for perhaps I may never see them again. If young I ought, because I may be of some little to them; if they came from a distance, “it is cruel to send away those who have come so far”; if they lived near, “it is unkind to see strangers and send away my neighbours.” So you see my exceptions amounted to generalities. I am however more discreet now.

How I envy your excellent patient Mrs. Pine!; by all I hear she is on the very confines of heaven, nay her heart is already there She has always been a consistent Christian active as well as devout. She has indeed given the truest evidence of her faith by her works.

My pen has run on beyond my intention. All the comfort you have from my tediousness is, that you are on no account to answer me. It is enough that you find time and patience to read, without the task of writing. It is enough that you permit me to assure you of the cordial esteem gratitude and affectionate regard of

My dear Sir
Your very obliged & faithful
H More

My best respects to your dear lady