Hannah More to Dr Carrick

To: Dr. Carrick/
Address: Clifton
Postmark: BRISTOL FEB 18 1823
Seal: Red wax

Mrs. H More/ 17 Feb. 1823

MS: Weston Library, University of Oxford, MS Eng. lett. d. 2, ff. 246-8
Published: Undetermined

My dear and very kind Friend

Nothing but my pleasure could equal my surprise, at a certain letter I received on Saturday. I heard a dispute between two of the Servants on the Stair case. One said, ‘I am sure this is Dr. Carrick’s Seal’, the other said, ‘I don’t know as to the Seal but I am sure it is his hand.’ I found it indeed the hand and seal and signature of a valued friend who evinced more feeling than prudence in so long and interesting a letter, and I was almost, (not quite,) sorry, to purchase my own great satisfaction at your expence. Miss Frowd and I both can assure you that our gratitude to God for your restoration, was not less fervent than our prayers during the days of danger. Allow me to say to you, my dear Sir, what I frequently say to the hard-working Bishop of Gloucester – ‘labour less that you may labour longer.’ I have no doubts that those powerful auxiliaries to disease, excessive fatigue and anxiety contributed their full share to your fever. – 120 Ounces!! I shudder at the idea! From the bottom of my heart I rejoyce with, and for, dear Mrs. Carrick. Her amiable and tender attentions are repaid, Tho’ I think she was not intended for an Autocrat yet I counsel her to assume Sovereign power, and keep you a close prisoner, till your Physicians, not you yourself, allow of your emancipation. I wish she was more of a despot just /now/

I have had a long letter from our good Dr. Lovell, written in a very affecting and dispirited tone. He and I have had a tedious, but merciful and fatherly warning. If our sufferings have been in any measure, sanctified to us, we shall have cause to be thankful for them hereafter. And unquestionably, Eternity is long enough to be happy in, begin when it may.

I beg the favour of Mrs. Carrick in her own gentle way, to assure her friend Miss Trevenen of my warm gratitude for her very considerate and zealous kindness, in keeping us so constantly acquainted with your state and progress. I hope I shall soon thank her with my own hand. Miss Frowd sends her kind regards to her late interesting correspondent, as well as her cordial congratulations to yourself and Mrs. Carrick.

There is one passage in your letter against which I vehemently protest. I implore you not to think of seeing me for Months to come. I shall hope to see you and the cowslips together, and you may expect a Garland if you do not come till May.

You will be angry if I do not say a word of my insignificant self. I really go on very tolerably on the whole. I recover my loco-motive power gradually. The Stomach is occasionally perverse, but no cold or cough. I begin to be persuaded, of what I before suspected that the Vulture which gnawed the bowels [deletion] of Prometheus was nothing more than a long liver case /and no Calomel./ The symptoms agree. It was never devoured tho’ constantly fed upon. Now have I here the advantage of my Prototype; I shall not be chained 30,000 /years/ to my rock as he was to his.

But to drop all allusion to the ingenious and elegant but absurd Mythology, for the sound and sober and rational religion with which we are blessed – There is a Rock, the Bible calls it the Rock of Ages, to which I humbly hope to be joined, not for any definite period but thro the countless ages of an immeasurable futurity. There is this immense difference between the Classical and the Christian Rock. The one was a punishment, the other is /a/ privilege.

But how I run on! With my hearty prayers for your health, who have been the instrument of health to so many and to myself believe me ever my dear Sir

Your ever grateful and affectionate
H. More