Hannah More to William Wilberforce


MS: Weston Library, University of Oxford, MS Wilberforce c. 48, ff. 44-5
Published: Undetermined

[The letter is written in Miss Frowd’s hand, with the signature by Hannah More.]
My dear Friend

Although somewhat improved in health, not so in sleep, since I had the great delight of seeing you & dear Mrs. W., yet, /as/ the continued inflammation in my hand still prevents me from holding a pen, I am obliged to write with that of my Friend Miss Frowd. And first of all, must thank Mrs. Wilberforce for her very kind letter; [deletion] I am glad it has been in my power to afford her so much pleasure by the surrender of my treasure.

Forgive me my dear Friend if I press upon you a subject very near my heart, which is to instruct you to consider the unspeakable importance of your own Health & life to your family, your Country, and to religion; and there/fore/ to spare yourself as much as possible, the fatigue and danger of applying too much to public and political Concerns.

But there is a subject (if possible) of /a/ still more interesting, as well as a more durable nature [deletion] I mean the Ardent wish, which I in common with all your Friends have long indulged, that you should devote all your leisure hours in preparing a Memoir of your own Life & Times. This, done as you would do it, would be a Treasure of inestimable value Not only to your own Children, & Contemporaries, but to Posterity. It is no compliment to say, that few Persons if any have been so distinguished as yourself both in the political & religious World – a Union very rare, & almost new – I would urge my suit in the Words of the Apostle. “Meditate on these things, give thyself wholly to them, for in doing this, thou shalt both save thyself, (that is from unworthy Biographers,) and them that read thee.”

As for poor Macaulay I deeply mourn over him! I feel quite as indignant against the Lord Chancellor, & the Solicitor General, as that execrable “Bull”!

I desire Cadell to send you my little Book, but as it was directed to Broughton, I feel a little doubtful whether it may yet have reached You.

As Miss Frowd told me of your kindness in minuting down the application respecting the little Copper wch. She made to you at the Miss Roberts’s request – I just enclose the printed paper, but not with the intention of giving you any trouble.

When I planted the barren Hill above my House which I did 24 years ago, and partly with my own hand; – I was too much delighted with the employment, & compared myself to Zoroboam, who worshipped in Groves & High Places. I now compleat the resemblance, for like Zoroboam, I have a withered hand.

My kind love to Mrs. Wilberforce, and all the domestic Party, particularly my dear God-daughter. It is a comfort to you that you will only have to hear this letter read, & not to answer it – as it requires none.
Forget not to pray for your faithful & affectionate Friend,
The sign of Hannah More [written in More’s hand]

Miss Frowd’s best respects

May you have all the Consolations & Blessings of this auspicious Season!!