Hannah More to [Thomas Cadell]


MS: Weston Library, University of Oxford, MS Montagu d. 19, f. 135
Published: Undetermined

Dear Sir

I shall be much obliged to you to pay the last Instalment thro’ your Banker to Miles and Harford’s Bank at Bristol by the 23 of this /Month/

You will be so good also as send me by Van two Copies of “Moral Sketches” and twenty /five/ of “Spirit of Prayer”, also 30 Bible Questions. I have got a fine Translation of Cœlebs into German sent me, many others of my works are translated into several languages on the Continent. I cannot expect that they should continue to be much enquired for at home; I hope the Spirit of Prayer may be useful in France.

I hope your family are all well, pray present my Compliments to them.
Yours dear Sir very truly
H. More

[The letter is annotated in another hand on the recto]

Balance 222-8-9 paid.

April 21 –

[The letter is annotated in another hand on the verso]

Books sent April 16 – Informed on that day that the balance of her Acct should be paid as requested –