Hannah More to Charles Ogilvie

To: The Revd. C. Ogilvie/
Address: Balliol College/ Oxford
Stamped: No25
Postmark: BRISTOL NO22 1827 and BRISTOL P P
Seal: A large capital M in red wax

Answd. Decr. 2nd, 1827.

MS: Weston Library, University of Oxford, MS Eng. lett. d. 124, ff. 138-9.
Published: Undetermined

My dear Sir

Your kindness for me leads me to believe you will excuse my troubling with the inclosed which you /will/ have the goodness to circulate among your friends. D Dr. Macbride Dr. Kidd and Mr. Simmons of Wadham I dare say would promote the [deletion] /circulation/ for the sake of the Object, the benefit of the poor Irish.

I was sorry not to see you again when you were in this neighbourhood, but I know your time is precious. Remember me very kindly to my much esteemed Mr. Blanco White. I am my dear Sir

Yours very sincerely
Hannah More