Hannah More to William Wilberforce

To: Wm. Wilberforce Esqr.
Seal: Stylised capital M in red wax

Pri H More Jan 1828/ 11th Jany. effects it to/ her last v. very ill/ Bequests in/ 1827

MS: Weston Library, University of Oxford, MS Wilberforce d. 14, ff. 48-9
Published: Undetermined

My dearest Friend

I believe I am on the very verge of Eternity – Ora pio Nabis! – I cannot send dear Macaulay the £100; I have so exhausted myself. I wrote to him the day before I had your letter that dearest Patty had left him £500 in her Will, that I have done done the same in mine.

As he will so soon come into possession of this /£1000/ I am the less grieved that I cannot do the other.

I was bled late in the night – It has relieved my incessant cough for a time. I am just going to put on a blister – I cough whole hours without intermission – at the mercies of my God – give my blessing to dear Goddaughter Adieu my oldest dearest friend. I have a great opinion of intercessory Prayer –

It is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation that Jesus Christ came into the World to save Sinners.

How do they meet Death who look not to this blessed Propitiation
Nay Pray for yours
Hannah More