Hannah More to Charles Ogilvie

To: Mr. Charles Ogilvie/
Address: Balliol College/ Oxford/ Postage paid
Seal: Red wax

MS: Weston Library, University of Oxford, MS Eng. lett. d. 124, ff. 107-8
Published: Undetermined

My dear Sir

You will be surprised at not hearing from me in answer to your letter. I should not have made the very bad state of my health an excuse, if I had had any thing satisfactory to say. So far from neglecting to attend to the object of your request, that I wrote almost immediately to Mr. Robt. Thornton on the Subject of your brother. In a few days I had an answer from him to say he was now out of the direction for some years by rotation, of course he had no Vote, had the request arrived three weeks sooner he should have had the greatest pleasure in obliging me. Sadly vexd at this, I wrote the next day to Mr. Grant fully stating your brothers business to him; but tho it was several weeks ago, and tho he is a punctual Man, as well as a most kind friend I have as yet had no answer. This surprises me not a little. If the thing had been hopeless I cannot but think he would have written to me. I do not therefore relinquish all expectation, but was resolved no longer to delay telling you how the case stood. It will give me sincere pleasure to succeed. I will write as soon as I hear

I truly sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. Dav[tear] on their heavy loss. They are good peop[tear] and I respect them much

Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan were here the other day. They are returned to Cheltenham. They spoke of you with much kindness. I rejoyce to hear your health is better. Use it discreatly [unclear] as one great instrument of your future usefulness. I have seen several of your friend lately Mr. Simpson, Gee, Boak, Guillebends &c &c

Your account of the state of mind of some of your College friends affords me real pleasure. God grant the improvement may continue, and the Number /increase./ The good cause is flourishing every where, especially among the higher classes of Society. Several ladies of fashion have been here lately all /of/ whom seem very seriously disposed; and some of them persons of whom least was to be expected.

I am quite out of patience that we are made to wait so long for Mr. Venn’s Sermons.

I inclose my Annual debt for the Christian Observer.

We have had a visit from the Editor of the Bristol Review. He is quite a first rate Man. I wish that excellent work had a more extended circulation. The principles in all points are excellent and the writing, I think, fully equal to the others.

Pray remember me to Mr. Cave, Dowell, Strong or any other I may know.

I am dear Sir
Yours very sincerely
H More