Hannah More to Thomas Cadell

To: Mr. Cadell/
Address: Strand/ London.
Postmark: BRISTOL and 28JV
Seal: Black wax

MS: Weston Library, University of Oxford, MS Montagu d. 5, ff. 108-9.
Published: Undetermined

Dear Sir

I shall be much obliged to you to send me down in a week, two Sets of all my Poems &c /bound/ compleat, as I am going to send them to France, and should like to shew them how finely we can dress our books in England. About the 7th. of July I shall have an opportunity of sending them from hence.

You need not be at the trouble of sending the last acct. as it is found. If you cou’d contrive to get my Aristo [unclear] from Mr. Hoole and let it come down with the others I shall be vastly obliged to you.

I am Sir
Yr. most obliged humble Sert.
H. More