Hannah More to Charles Ogilvie

To: Mr. Charles Ogilvie/
Address: Delgany
Seal: Red wax

MS: Weston Library, University of Oxford, MS Eng. lett. d. 124, ff. 101-2
Published: Undetermined

My dear Sir

Before I enter on the sorrowful part of your letter I must congratulate you, as I do very cordially, on your splendid success at Oxford, and especially on the Bishop’s very handsome and even kind letter. There is I think little doubt that he will carry his words into actions, as he is not a professing Man; and you need not I presume, fear to approach /him/ with any reasonable request, which may be proper for him to comply with, and which he may be thought likely to grant.

I heard with deep concern of poor Mr. Davies’s heavy misfortune. I pity his most amiable wife more than I can /say./ It pleased God to afflict her in many ways, I wish these repeated trials may not overwhelm her. She is a truly estimable woman, and I do not know when I have felt so much for any person with whom I am not immediately acquainted

Mr. Guilleband was here a few days ago, I was grieved to learn from him that things do not appear to mend, but the contrary, the more they are inquired into. But I am more particularly concerned on this occasion from what relates to your brother. It will indeed be a grievous business if he is obliged to refund. – The money advanced was I suppose a loan not a gift. You did not mention the sum; I hope it was not considerable. Let me know if the business is quite hopeless as to his redeeming it.

Tho I can allow, and fully enter into your feelings on this complicated misfortune yet I hope you do not suffer it to come too near your heart, and dwell too much on the contemplation of it. Nothing will so certainly, by injuring your health impede your own future prospects. If thro the blessing of the Almighty, prosperity should be in reserve for you, you will be able more essentially to assist your brother than you can do by sorrowful ruminations. Besides, if by indulging the tenderness of your feelings you should contract the appearance of gloom and reserve, You may possibly impress the estimable friends with whom you are surrounded, with an idea of your being discontented with your situation. As you will be at liberty to resume your own plans at the stipulated time, you will more firmly secure their friendship by assuming as much as possible, frank, open and chearful manners. I know you will take this hint in good part as coming from a friend truly anxious for your inferior as well as superior interests. I believe Mr. Dunn to be one of the best as well as most amiable of Men. From the conversation of so highly gifted a Man as Mr. Knox much may be learned, as he is overflowing with information as well as such an original genius. Mrs. La Touche is one of the most interesting women I have known. I have a deep rooted regard for her, and it is a real concern to me to think we are not likely to meet in this uncertain world – I hope you showed the Bishop’s letter to Mr. Dunn It is a mark of confidence which would please so fine a mind, and you judge wrong if you think your friends mistake openness for vanity.

Oliver Cave came to our Bible Meeting, which was a prosperous one.

We have had a very sick house which has prevented my writing, as my attendance has been much wanted. Believe me very sincerely dear Sir
Yours faithfully
H More