Hannah More to Mrs Carrick

To: Mrs. Carrick/
Address: Clifton/ favoured by Miss Ford
Seal: the bust of a male figure in red wax

MS: Weston Library, University of Oxford, MS Eng. lett. d. 2, ff. 301-2
Published: Undetermined

My dear Madam

Allow me to seize the occasion offered me by a visit from Miss Ford to assure you of my cordial Sympathy on the late affecting /loss/ you have sustained. Friends may sympathize but it is God which must give comfort. That you my dear Madam are so happy as to experience those consolations of your heavenly Father which are neither few nor small, I I [sic] do not doubt; and now that the anxieties attending a long and hopeless illness are decided, you will I earnestly hope recover your spirits and health which have lately been so poorly exercised. I am happy to hear favourable reports of Dr. Carrick’s restored health and I hope he does not forget to put in practice himself that care and attention to his own health which he so kindly enforces upon others. Assure him of my most affectionate respects, and tell him that I bear this cold weather manfully.

Miss Frowd desires to add her kind regards to those of my dear Madam

Your very obliged and
faithful H More

Remember me kindly to Miss Trevenen

I scribble so fast I fear I am not legible