Hannah More to Dr Carrick


MS: Weston Library, University of Oxford, MS Eng. lett. d. 2, ff. 283-4
Published: Undetermined

My dear Sir

You will I hope do me the favour to accept of a few grapes. I hope they will perform the journey without much injury.

You will not forgive me if I say nothing of my insignificant self. You will be glad to hear that I am really wonderfully well on the whole. I have not ventured down stairs. I promised I would not do so without your especial order. As far as my own judgment, or rather my own experience goes, I feel, as the vulgar phrase is, that it is wise to let well alone. Balancing the little good I might gain against the possible evil, I rather fear it.

I have now by long disease conquered the dread of confinement. Of all my youthful ardent tastes the only one that remains in its full force is the love of flowers and of landscape gardening. Should I return to the world, I mean the Horticultural world, all those desires would revive with their ancient energy, and I think I had better remain in my prison.

Alas! we have no Strawberries! the few that appeared were as small and as hard as a hazle Nut so that we have lived on the bounty of our Neighbours

I had the great pleasure yesterday of Sir Thomas Acland’s sudden appearance. He spent one night here; Lively, gay and affectionate as usual, the same brilliant talents and sweet temper He enquired very particularly after you.

Miss Frowds kind remembrances to dear Mrs. Carrick are added to those of my very dear Doctor
Your ever obliged
and faithful H More