
To Lady Olivia Sparrow, August 1814

I long to know how your great day went off. Mr. Boak passed thro at the time and heard of it far and near. I believe you can do everything but mollify certain hard hearts and open certain eyes judiciously blinded. Thank dear Millicent for the harmonious and very pleasant Way-Verses. So characteristic of the delightful writer! By the way – when [he] does he talk of accomplishing his plan at Bristol? – If you have any intercourse with him be sure put him in mind that he is pledged to for a night or two –

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, August 1814

If I can get rid of my cough P. and I are engaged to go to our dear Dean of Wells about the 29th., being there we must also acquit ourselves of a long promise to stay a little with the Bishop. there will be a little difference in these Visits!! Mr. Way I trust will not be likely to come just at that time as it is the only time I shall be from home. Indeed the Dean I believe will be of the Jew party at Bristol.

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 27 April [1815]

I have been delighted to see the elegant Robert Sparrow in his character of Cicerone to the Saints. He one day came down with Mr. Wilson whom I never saw before and who is a most amiable /Man/ and another with Hugh Pearson an old favorite of mine. His Mentor of course accompanied. It is pleasant to see him easy and cheerful in such sort of company, and they exhibit religion to nam[tear] a pleasing form, without any of that alloy of coa[rse]ness [tear] which by assimilating itself with religion, makes the /young/ fancy that religion itself is worse. The Saints Jubilee at Bristol produced a great harvest.* About 800 to the Missionary only.* – The Jew business promises to revive these,* that I hope will give me a peep at Mr. Way – I sent him my book,* but know not if he has read it. It is a singular thing, that I have received more encouraging and flattering reports on that book from Bishops and the higher Clergy than from almost any others. I scarcely expected it

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 23 August [1815]

This is the first letter I have written you for a long time without having your son for a topic. Is he returned to ? I suppose Mr. Hodson is too modest to bring down his bride till the appearance of his pupil shall seem to furnish him with a justifying Motive. I heard with pleasure of the high satisfaction he afforded by his Sermon at the Charitable Clergy Meeting at Bristol. I heard it commended by different Classes of characters. He is sometimes said (but not on that occasion) to want a little energy of manner: but this objection [deletion] I believe is made by those who are accustomed to the vehemence of his Predecessor.

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 23 April [1816]

I am very uneasy about Mr. Wilberforce /he is ill/ . Much as he has done, he has not compleated his work, and I am base enough to fear his being called to his rest and his reward, from a world which still wants him.* I think I never was so delighted as at his present call of Providence. King Henry the first of Hayti, late Christolphe, has sent to him to send him out teachers in Natural and Experimental Philosophy, a Surgeon, School Masters &&c Is it not marvellous? But what most delights me in said King Henry is, that as he has shaken off the French /Tyranny/ he wishes also to abolish the French language. Accordingly W– has obtained of the Bible Society to send him out 5000 Testaments printed in French and English in Columns!! Is not this delightful. The new King wants to make an improved population, Wilbe. to make a Christianized one.* He writes to me about books Teachers &c. The latter it will be rather difficult to procure as they should know something of French.* I am charmed with the energy of poor infirm Sir Joseph Bankes, who says if he were not so old he would go himself.* I wish we could see more of this Missionary Spirit in our young Church Ministers. By the way the Missry. Meeting lately held in Bristol raised, in these distressing times above £800 besides Jewels to a considerable amount.*

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, [23 March 1818]

Daniel Wilson’s admirable Defence of the Bishop and the Missionary Society has reached the Sixteenth Edition.* He has just published a thick Volume of Sermons.* The few I have read are excellent. I hope to see him and probably Cunningham & Owen &c next Week, if they come down to the Missry. Meeting at Bristol. They have just recd. at Bristol £100 from New Subscribers

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, [28? October 1819]

My health improves a little, but I still chiefly confine myself to my chamber for a pretence to avoid an influx of company. In my room I receive my particular friends. Yesterday Lady Lilford and her excellent daughters came.* Miss Emily spoke with delight of her visit to Brampton – Dear Lewis Way made me a long visit. He was delightfully entertaining with his Imperial communications,* his sanguine, not hopes, but certainties, of the near approach of the last days. While he is talking in his heaven /ly/ anticipations, sanguine as he is, one cannot help adopting his views, and hoping as he hopes. He has preached twenty Sermons and Speeches within a week or two!! At Bristol my friends say he was almost superhuman.* He kindly pressed me to go and spend the Winter at ,* as Mr. Harford has done to pass it at – but for old age sickness and sorrow there is nothing like home – Every paper I open of my blessed Sister raises my ideas of her piety.* It is plain that she had expected her great change, for in her Pocketbook for this year,* she writes, 'this is the last account book I shall ever want'! she also says, – 'May every Year’s charities increase as becomes a Christian woman'! A few hours before her death when in exqui[site] [tear] pain, she said, on some one pitying her – [tear] I love my sufferings, they come from the [tear] and I love every thing that comes from him’. In her delirium she was always giving away cloaths or Shoes to poor Men and Women; tho this was in her wanderings, it showed the habit of her mind. I never knew a more devoted self denying creature.

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 25 [September 1816]

We had looked forward with the hope of your being in this quarter during the Jew Week at Bristol. The Revd Mr. Way opens his commission next tuesday by a Sermon, he will be followed by Simeon, Hawtrey, Wilson &c in the course of the week.* I know all this would have been an entertainment to your heart’s desire. But we must submit to overruling circumstances. May it please the Father mercies and God of all consolations speedily to remove this trial and to sanctify it to your spiritual good.

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, [No date, but likely March/April 1817]

Hunt’s alarming Visit to Bristol terminated to his own disgrace. His party was very small, very shabby and very quiet. Not an Innkeeper would let him into their houses, and 14 Printers refused to print any of his papers.*