To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 25 [September 1816]

To: The Lady Olivia B. Sparrow
Address: Minehead/Somersetshire
Postmark: None
Seal: Black wax
Watermarks: Undetermined


MS: British Library, Egerton 1965 f. 59-60
Published: Undetermined

My dearest Lady Olivia

Your absence alone from a party which had for sometime been looking forward to you as its principal charm and delight would have been no small cause of regret, but how greatly is that regret aggravated by knowing that vexatious and painful anxiety kept you from us. I cannot express to you how lively an interest I take in every thing that concerns You, more especially if the occurrence is of a nature to give you uneasiness. I do earnestly, and have earnestly prayed that it may not be of a severe or permanent kind. When the excellent Bishop &c &c arrived without you you cannot imagine what a blank we felt; but greatly was the disappointment to me augmented when he put your kind Note into my hand. You may depend on my silence as well as on some that of the Bishop who is a Man of the most delicate feelings added to his other virtues; I hope you have seen his Charge it is a very fine one, quite Apostolical.[2] He had ugly corners to turn and he turned them with much dexterity. He made his own breakfast and quitted us at seven in the morning in order to preach two Lectures on that day twenty Miles from hence, and seven or eight from Wells to which he was to return at Night. His labours are wonderful, and he bears all the obloquy and reproach which they bring upon him from certain quarters, with great meekness and equanimity. On the other hand he is almost adored by the religious party and I believe has added to that number many converts.

We had looked forward with the hope of your being in this quarter during the Jew Week at Bristol . The Revd Mr. Way opens his commission next tuesday by a Sermon, he will be followed by Simeon, Hawtrey, Wilson &c in the course of the week.[3] I know all this would have been an entertainment to your heart’s desire. But we must submit to overruling circumstances. May it please the Father mercies and God of all consolations speedily to remove this trial and to sanctify it to your spiritual good.

Adieu my dearest Lady. My best regards to your young companions.
I am ever with the truest and most affectionate esteem your Ladyship’s very
faithful and obliged

Your letter is destroy’d.

Patty sends you her most sincere respects. She is very poorly


Dating of this letter is based on the dates of the events and publications mentioned by More in the letter.


Henry Ryder, Bishop of Gloucester, published A Charge Delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Gloucester, at the Primary Visitation of that Diocese, in the Year 1816 (Gloucester and London: Hough and Son, and Payne and Hatchard, 1816). It was very favourably reviewed in the Christian Observer for October 1816 (pp. 653-65). (Read at Google Books)


The anniversary of the Bristol Auxiliary branch of the Society of the Church of England for promoting Christianity among the Jews was held on 3 October in Bristol, presided over by the Bishop of Gloucester, Henry Ryder. A full schedule of the events of the meeting was published in The Jewish Expositor and Friend of Israel 1 (1816), pp. 437-9. (Read at Google Books)