Hannah More to Marianne Sykes Thornton, 1814 [copy, presented to EM Forster by his great aunt, Marianne Thornton]

Stamped: None
Postmark: None
Seal: None
Watermarks: None


MS: Cambridge University Library, Add.7674/1/L6 ff. 81-2
Published: Undetermined

Your last joint kind & interesting letter was so full of encouragement that we lived contentedly for a week on the good hopes it held forth. But we have just heard with the deepest concern that things are not so promising. I cannot bear to tieze you or Marianne who has her hands full as well as yourself – but let one of the younger children write constantly I would not let any one write but myself tho’ my eyes are nearly gone, but my own cannot tell you how tenderly I feel for you, & how very very deeply we are interested in the cause of your anxious cares God grant that your dear excellent husband may be speedily restored to your prayers, to my prayers to the prayers of the poor & of the Church

But this subject is too tender, & I should not add to your feelings those of my dearest friend

yours most affectionately
H More