To Lady Olivia Sparrow, Dec 1826 [incomplete]

To: No name
Address: None
Stamped: None
Postmark: None
Seal: None
Watermarks: Undetermined

Mrs. H. More/ Decr. 1826.

MS: British Library, Egerton 1965 f. 93
Published: Undetermined

I hear frequently from that most active and genuine Christian the Duchess of Beaufort[2] – She is the Lady Olivia of this part of the World. Three of her daughters, as you know, are most exemplary.[3] I trust you have read Lord Bexley’s Bible Speech ,[4] he sent it me with [tear]ly pious letter. Tho not many [tear], not many noble are called, yet blessed be God some are, and the number is visibly greatly increased, and increasing.


The letter is dated using the endorsement.


Lady Charlotte Sophia (nee Leveson-Gower, 1771-1854), wife of Henry Charles Somerset, 6th Duke of Beaufort.


The Duke and Duchess of Beaufort had eight daughters. The three eldest unmarried daughters in 1826 were Lady Susan, Lady Louisa, and Lady Isabella Somerset.


Possibly Speech of the Right Honourable Lord Bexley at the anniversary of the Kent Auxiliary Bible Society: held at Maidstone on Tuesday, Oct. 10, 1826 (London?: British and Foreign Bible Society, 1826).