Hannah More to Thomas Dyke Ackand, after 1828

Stamped: None
Postmark: None
Seal: None
Watermarks: I Poole London


MS: Cambridge University Library, Add.7674/1/E 11
Published: Undetermined

My very dear Sir Thomas

I return you a hundred thanks for your nice benison to me, and a thousand thanks for your kind present to my dear kind Physician. He was so delighted and so proud, and got together a grand party who dined most luxurious. You really conferred a great obligation on me by /it./ He has been attending me daily Six weeks sometimes /twice/, and he will never take a Fee

I hope you have not /been/ [puzzled?] out of any of the pictures, but as I was not on the Spot I cannot ascertain.

I did not think it decorous to send you the portraits of my living friends but I have this very morning been looking over them, and gluing a paper on the back of each “to be sent to Sir Thomas Acland as soon as I am dead

Those alive people are
Bishop Salisbury
Bishop Lich and Coventry
Hart Davis M.P. for Bristol
Edmund Burke, once M.P. for Bristol[2]
Mrs. Gwatkin Niece of Sir Joshua Reynolds from a painting of his.

Capt and Mrs. Jenkinson are staying with his father at Clifton. What a fine creature she is; both in person and mind: they were so good to come and see me. As far as one can judge from one morning’s visit, she seems truly enlightend and devoted in heart and mind to religion. I never saw in any young woman such fervent piety. It seems to be the sole object of her concern; many people are going to heaven I hope, but she seems already there – she brought two angelic little children.

And now my dear Sir Thomas shall I never see you but in the shape of Vensionen [sic] and game and Poultry? I find I shall /not/ be quite satisfied with this transmigration. Is there any chance of seeing you once more on this side Jordan? My health is better than I could expect or deserve; but it must not make me forget that I am, thro’ my great age, standing /on the verge/ of Eternity.

I see too much company, too many strangers, but I have profited by the laws and regulations I have made as to days and hours, and now go on quieter

With my best respects to your dear Lady, and all the young ones known and unknown. If you come this way, pray observe both of you, that you will have as good a bed and as warm a welcome at Clifton as at any inn on the road

Ever my very dear friend
Most affectionately your
Hannah More

Miss Frowd’s best respects.

You will be glad to hear that I have closed all my worldly affairs have sold my pretty place and the Copyright of all my writings which were before unsold, so that I have
[Letter ends abruptly]


The letter is dated based on its sending from Windsor Terrace, which More inhabited from 1828.


More is perhaps confused here. Whilst Edmund Burke had been MP for Bristol 1774-80, he had died in 1797.