Hannah More to Marianne Thornton, November 20th, after 1825 and before 1828

To: Miss Thornton
Address: Battersea Rise
Stamped: None
Postmark: None
Seal: Red wax
Watermarks: 1825


MS: Cambridge University Library, Add.7674/1/E/9
Published: Undetermined

and three voices.

God bless you a [tear] all of your name
My love to all, co[tear] my dearest Marianne
affectionately yours
H More

Kind remembrance to Aunt Robert
All the gentry below stairs
send their kind duty, especially
the illustrious Mrs Crump[2]


The letter is dated using the watermark for the earlier date, and the mention of servants for the latter (which indicates More had not yet left Barley Wood).


More had two servants of that name, sisters Mary and Susan. It has not been possible to determine to which More refers here.