Hannah More to William Wilberforce


MS: Weston Library, University of Oxford, MS Wilberforce c. 3, ff. 244-5
Published: Undetermined

My dear Sir

Patty is a little acquainted with Mrs. Charles Wesley, and says she is a very worthy, respectable person, a perfect Gentlewoman, of good family and Education. She has also a daughter, a young Woman of considerable parts and literature. When I knew a little of her some years ago indeed, she was more of a Wit than a Methodist, but I really believe they are both excellent, deserving Women. Of their circumstances I cannot speak so accurately, private fortune they certainly have none. Father John, as he was called allowed them £200 pr. An: during his Life, and we have heard that at his death he desired the Society to allow them £70 Pr. Ann: This I believe is all they have. We think they live with the two Sons who support themselves by Music, but were not comfortable Sons to their excellent father. By to day’s post I shall write to a friend to inform myself more exactly as to their circumstances, certainly making no mention of you in the business . Wesley’s Society I believe is very poor, his restrictions in the Article of dress &c having always frightened away the rich and gay, where /as they/ cou’d now and then sneak into Whitefield’s, who seemed to have judged more prudently in not acquiring any such outward and visible sign of conformity. –

I never so much as heard of Howe’s Treatise on delighting in God – O give me a Book which will teach me to do so! The very name gets one an Appetite, or rather makes one long to get it. – Indeed I read little of Spiritual things, and of other things scarcely one Word. I am something like a gouty or intemperate General Officer, I am either in my bed or in the Field; pain and Action pretty equally divide my life between them, with some preponderance, however, I thank God on the latter side, but reading and writing are things almost as much out of the question with me as with the poor savages I live with, for if I am well enough to be up I am well enough to be out, in a general way.

I think it wou’d be a very pretty galanterie of you to bring Mr. and Mrs. Grant here next Saturday; Patty and I shall think you are quite a Modern Patron if you do not come and see that your poor Curates do their duty. Seriously I wish you wou’d, and we shall make you all work very hard on Sunday I can lodge you all – that is you three Gentlefolks – but ni Son ni daughter ni Man, ni Maid, but your Mr. Craig shall have his Farm House. Pray let me know by return of post if this pretty proposal is acceptable & if Mr. Grant has not his own horses, we are so grand as to be able to send a Carriage to Bristol to fetch him and Mrs. Grant, as we have got one for two or three Months during the very hot weather. –

I thank you for the Box which is to come We warped dear Mrs. Clarke so much with our un-orthodox Conventicles, that Mr. C. will have something to do to bring her Mind Straight again. –

I am dear Sir
Your truly obliged
and faithful
H. More

Any time after Saturday will be full as agreeable

I only named that day thinking Mr. and Mrs. Grants stay might be short with you