Hannah More to Mrs Sarah Hole, June 30th 1815

To: Mrs. Hole
Address: No 5 Paragon Buildings/ Clifton/ Bristol
Postmark: None
Seal: Red wax
Watermarks: 1810

H More to/ Mrs Hole/ June 30 1815.

MS: MS: Cambridge University Library, Add.8134/K/8
Published: Undetermined

Forget my dear and ever dear Sally Horne? How could you my dear Madam think it possible? No, believe me, you still retain in our hearts the place you began to hold (at least in mine) at three years old.[1]

Truly happy shall we be to see you amp; Your Sister;[2] a ,daughter of yours you cannot doubt will be affectionately received.[3] You must come and spend a long day. Mrs. Hyde will have told you that my poor Sister Betty, who was before very infirm has been keeping her bed five Weeks with a wound in her leg. I hope in a week or two she may be better able to enjoy seeing you. You will write and fix Your own day when it quite suits You. Write a few days before hand, (as the post is not always exact) lest we should any of us be from home, a circumstance however which rarely occurs.

When you write pray thank your dear Mother for her affectionate remembrance of a family who will always retain a great regard for her.

Give my love to Mrs. Hyde, and tell her as hers was but a venial offence I shall give her a full Absolution as if I were of the Church of Rome.


More had first met Sally Horne Hole when Horne was three: More composed a poem, ‘An Heroick Epistle’ on the occasion. (Read online.)


Sally Horne Hole had two elder sisters. There is disagreement over their identities.


Hole had one daughter who is recorded: Felicia Elizabetha Hole (1797-1888).