Hannah More to Marianne Thornton, written between 1815 and 1817

Stamped: None
Postmark: None
Seal: None
Watermarks: None


MS: Cambridge University Library, Add.7674/1/E/6
Published: Undetermined

My dearest Marianne

I should have returned you to your native land before now, but that I have been subject to even more than my usual interruptions both from visitants and correspondents I truly rejoyce to find you have gained so much in health and spirits by your short migration That you are not worse in other respects I am persuaded, tho I will not grant the same latitude to one quarter of my acquaintance who have made the same experiment. I hope therefore you will not fulfil your menace of ‘persuading all your friends to go directly,’ indeed almost all mine are gone, the very tradesmen of Bristol, the very Curates in our Neighbourhood are spending the Summer in Paris. So you see Volunteers need no pressing.

Sally is glad that your head is not high, and that your petticoats have acquired no curtailment

Your letter amused us much but really all accounts from that city of sin make me laugh with the tears in ones eyes.

I have just got a letter from Paris from an learned and pious Clergyman. The following is an Extract – ‘A friend of mine attempted to get some Subscriptions for Les’s Bible at a Table where he dined consisting of Frenchmen. He met with some little success, tho it disclosed the character of some of his acquaintance One Gentleman of wealth and intelligence on most subjects, gravely enquired whither the Bible was a new Political or religious work which was to appear in numbers? Another confessed that altho originally intended for a Priest, and living for several years in the house of a kinsman who was a Priest he had never seen a Bible’!! – These two stories I would not have credited on inferior authority.

With no small pleasure we are looking forward to the expectation of a visit from the two Charles GrantsMr. /who are to come to us to morrow. / How many interesting Subjects shall we have to talk over!

We are to have our little Anniversary Bible Meeting on tuesday next. We shall not I fear make such a figure as we did last year, either in company or Orators. It is a fine piece of primitive simplicity which I wish you would be present at, in a Waggon House at Wrington, the greater portion of the party dine here after on cold provisions and the White robes Nymphs and black Clericals make a pretty motley mixture on the Hill. We should have been gladly excused this year on the Score of health and age but it helps to keep up the spirit of the thing . Love to Lucy and the young troop. Ever yours affectly.

H More


In a letter to the Lady Olivia Sparrow Hannah More reports that the two Charles Grants visited Barley Wood together in August 1816. That year the Bible Meeting took place on 20 August, which was, in 1816, a Tuesday. The letter is dated using this information.