Hannah More to Thomas Cadell Junior, 23 March 1825

To: Thos. Cadell Esq
Address: Strand
Stamped: None
Postmark: (Partial) 12N?MR251825
Seal: Red wax
Watermarks: 1825

(in another hand) Recd. March 25-

MS: Fitzwilliam Perceval J110
Published: Undetermined

Dear Sir

As I presume the third Edition must be published [obscured by inkblot] /published by/ this time, I beg the favour of you to send me half a Dozen Copies by the Coach directed to Mr. Bulgin for me. I have lately had a visit from Mr Eastburn – the chief Bookseller and Printer of New York. He sent me some years since /a present of/ an American Edition of my own works – He printed thirty Editions of Coelebs One thousand in each Edition. He is a man of excellent Sense and character –

I shall be obliged. to you to remit to me the last Instalment any time before the tenth of April. If paid to Hoare and Barnet for Pitt and Co of Bristol on my Account it will come safe to me.

I hope the little Book continues to keep up its credit. I never received more flattery for any [original] dish, than for this hash.

You will see /by/ my scrawl that I cannot recover the free [use] of my hand, I cannot use it with impunity. I hope yourself and family continue to enjoy health and all other needful blessings My own health is so far restored that if I were a disciple of Prince Hoenloe I shall be reckoned a Miracle

I am dear Sir
very sincerely
H More

Also enclosed in J110:

A wrapper, in another hand:

Mrs. More’s

And a newspaper clipping