To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 18 October 1825

To: No name
Address: None
Stamped: None
Postmark: None
Seal: None
Watermarks: Undetermined


MS: British Library, Egerton 1965 f. 91-2
Published: Undetermined

My dearest Lady Olivia

How shall I sufficiently thank you for your very great kindness in sending me such a bountiful supply. I had not reckoned on so large a Sum, and it will set me at ease as to some excesses into which I have been almost irresistibly drawn. I must /have/ contracted some of my concerns if I were younger; but never reckoning upon another year I do not think it right to distrust Providence by abridging my little Schemes – Little indeed compared to the ample extent of Yours. Only think of the graciousness of God to give you the heart as well as the means to educate, and thus rescue from ignorance, and as far as human exertion can go, from Sin, every child in your Parish! under your own immediate /Eye/ too! Oh The Magnitude of the good cannot be estimated. But oh to anticipate those cheering words Well done good and faithful Servant, enter Thou into the joy of the Lord![1] If I were not on the very verge of Eternity, I should earnestly request (what I dare not now give you the trouble) for a copy of your plans, as I know all yours are will digested; but I shall never again visit my schools (which are unfortunately at a distance) [2] Yet my young /Friend/ does what she can, and visits them when the weather permits, and I should be gratified to furnish her with any instructions of yours. Her heart is much in the business. She has a cultivated & pious Mind

I bless God for your favourable report of dear Lady Mandeville. How I should delight to see her sweet babes![3] I pray God to bless them

I am in expectation of seeing /the/ dear Bishop of Lichfield the beginning of November. It has been a longer separation than has occurred since our first acquaintance. Mr. Wilberforce, who was with him writes me, how deeply, yet like a Christian, he felt the loss of his excellent Son.[4] He was however much revived by a letter from the Young Man’s Captain which spoke in the highest terms not only of his correct conduct, and amiable manners, but his piety – Our new Bishop is most obliging and friendly towards /me,/ and we are very good friends; he is however with some good points about him, made out of other Materials than the Prelate above mentioned.

Have you seen L’Angleterre by the Baron de Staël?[5] I hear it highly commended but tho I have had it a good while, have not time to read a page. How gratifying that both the children of that brilliant but unprincipled Woman should convert talents resembling her own, to the best purposes

It is now six Years since I have been down stairs, yet I never had more cases, more business, more company, and I have been better than usual for some weeks

The inclosed trifle is not worth sending, but as they are the last rhymes I shall ever scribble I send them. They were made for the Album of an idle young lady. [6]

Yours ever my dearest Lady Olivia with the deepest regard, respect
and affection
H More


From Matthew 25:23: ‘His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord’ (KJV).


More had established eleven Sunday schools in the Mendips area with her sisters in the 1780s. When the sisters were in good health, four would be visited on a Sunday, though More’s letters indicate this required a demanding amount of travel.


Millicent Sparrow Montagu’s second son, Robert, had recently been born.


Henry Ryder’s son Charles was drowned at sea in 1825.


Lettres sur l'Angleterre, par A. de Staël-Holstein (1825) [Auguste Louis Staël-Holstein], son of Madame Germaine de Staël.


For More’s attitude towards album verses, see Nicholas D. Smith, The Literary Manuscripts and Letters of Hannah More, pp. 22-4.