Hannah More to Mrs Hartley, 7 July [1826]

Stamped: None
Postmark: None
Seal: None
Watermarks: None

[In another hand] Barley Wood/ 1826 to Mrs Hartley/ when she first arrived/ at Bath to see Mrs H More

MS: Fitzwilliam. In Perceval Bequest
Published: Undetermined

My dear Madam

I was much disappointed at not having the pleasure of seeing you on Wednesday , as your letter gave me room to expect. Tho your obliging letter was dated the 2d. of July I did not receive it till tuesday afternoon too late to answer it by post . Your not coming on Wednesday I ascribed to the violent thunder Storm. I then expected you yesterday and in that expectation did not dine till four o clock. I shall be very glad to see You and Miss Newson[2] to take a family dinner on Tuesday /next the Eleventh/ if it suits you . Pray remember me kindly to Miss Hartley[3] I hope she will be of your party. I write in haste not to lose the Post . I remain

dear Madam yours
sincerely H More


The letter is dated using the endorsement. 7 July fell on a Friday that year.


Perhaps Elizabeth Newson, a distant relation of More’s, who provided William Roberts with information about the More genealogy ( see Roberts, Memoirs, vol. 1, pp. 8-10)


Miss Hartley was the recipient, in 1827, of an inscribed copy of More’s broadside 'What wide extremes together meet'. See Smith, The Literary Manuscripts and Letters of Hannah More, p. 153.