Hannah More to Thomas Dyke Acland, unknown date

To: Sir Thos. D Acland Bart/ M.P.
Address: London
Stamped: ‘Bristol/ Py. P.’ and ‘TO PAY 1D ONLY’ and [Obscured]25
Postmark: (Partial) 17?? (Partial) BRI[STOL]??22
Seal: Red wax
Watermarks: J Green & Son 1824


MS: Cambridge University Library, 7674/1/E 10
Published: Undetermined

My dear and too kind Sir Thomas

I feel it a sort of shame to take charity Money from a County Member[1] , whose unbounded liberality I well know is not shut up within the limits of that County. – My Man Charles is out from four in the morning to endeavour to buy 100 sacks of Potatoes. On hearing it the Farmers raised the price!! I am turned Merchant They ask me for bread and give me a Stone[2] . I am purchasing their Ore[3] at half price which I trust will sell hereafter. Be so good as speak to the King, and desire him with my Compliments to use brass Harness, it would become the fashion and my Miners would become Gentlemen – all the Geology /I know/ is that Lapis Calaminaris makes brass, so you see I am not /one/ those Scientific people who do not turn their knowledge to account. Present me most affectionately to dear Lady AclandIn great haste

ever affectionately
and gratefully Yours
H More


Acland was the MP for Devon between 1812-8, and 1820-31, and later 1837-57.


From Matthew 7:9: 'Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?' (KJV).


The parish of Shipham, which produced ore - lapis calaminaris - used in the brass industry, had suffered for a number of years following a collapse in the industry. More and a group of local worthies sought to alleviate their situation by buying their ore and providing basic goods at reduced rates.