Thomas Cadell Junior [written in the hand of Ann David]

To: Thos. Cadell Esqr./
Address: Strand/ London
Stamped: None
Postmark: E4JA41828 and BRISTOL JA31828
Seal: Red wax
Watermarks: I POOLE LONDON


MS: Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge: Perceval J111
Published: Undetermined


[The letter is written in the hand of Ann David]Mrs. Hannah More having been troubled with a complaint in her eyes which makes writing uncomfortable to her , has requested me a Friend now on a Visit to her, to beg you will send by the first Coach a quarter of a Hundred of ‘The Feast of Freedom’ directed to Mrs. Hannah More to be left at Mr. Thomases Hosier Wine Street Bristol . – Pray does the little work continue to sell? – The motive of her sending to you for so many is that she is daily applied to from the numerous Friends as the value is doubled by her writing in them a little Motto with her name. – I can assure you she is so tormented for Autographs, it is become quite a troublesome tax. – She begs to offer yourself and Family many happy returns of this Season.

believe me Sir Your humble
Servant Ann David

I forgot to beg your two head Clarks may be presented each a Sovereign by you from her

[Written in another hand on the reverse of the letter is the following]

The Books sent Jany – 4 –

Informed Mrs H More that I had now remg only about 200, but that I did not know how many the booksellers in Ireland, Edinburgh, and Bath had in their hands – Also that about 120 copies had been forwarded to Ireland – Returned the thanks of Mr Mutton & Mr Buckman for her remembrance of them. –