Hannah More to Sarah (Sally) Horne Hole, 15 February 1817

To: Mrs. Hole
Address: 39 Queen Anne Street/ Cavendish Square/ London/ at Mrs Horns/ Uxbridge Middlesex
Postmark: C17FE171817. A second is present but illegible.
Seal: Red wax, capital M
Watermarks: Present but not readable

Feb 15 1817/ H More to Mrs Hole/ her Daūrs studies/ music &c &c/ Cheap Repository Tracts

MS: Cambridge University Library, Add.8134/K/10
Published: Undetermined

My dear Madam

I trust you will pardon my long delay in answering your kind letter. It has arisen from a variety of causes; when I received it I was very ill of a bilious fever , my two Sisters were confined at the same time, and we had nobody living down stairs for near three weeks . I am much better , but still an invalid, chiefly from want of sleep. Patty has a complaint on her chest, and constant fever, and is forbidden to talk , and poor Sally is in a deplorable condition. The dropsy is fallen on her legs which are much in the same condition that carried off my /last/ Sister. All this is depressing to my Spirits I pray God to support them and me during the short remainder of our pilgrimage.

I am glad to hear so good an account of your young people. Miss Hole I trust continues to apply to solid reading, and I hope does not suffer Music, elegant and pleasing as that talent is, to rob her of too much of her time, of which a fair proportion ought to be devoted, as I dare say it is, to better things I pray that she may get her religious principles so firmly rooted, that they may not be shaken by her commerce with the world hereafter.

I rejoyce at the favourable report you make of my dear old friend Mrs. Horne: when you see or write to her, pray assure her of my constant regard and present kind remembrances to your Sister.

In the intervals of sickness and other engagements I have been called upon to write a number of little papers and Tracts with a view to furnish some little antidote to the poison of disaffection and Sedition with which too many of the lower class are infected.[2] I did not at first acknowledge myself the Author but I was found out. Seeing it could not be concealed I have now called them Cheap Repository Tracts. I have given them to Hatchard who will be glad to serve you with as much of these penny wares as you chuse; and pray recommend them to your friends for dispersion among the common people, the Songs are only three Shillings a hundred. New Tracts a penny /each/

If you see dear Mrs. Kennicott before I am able to write to her, give my [tear] to her and tell her that sickness and all this writing, have made me neglect the My friends, as far as outward attentions go, but I hope to mend my ways.

Adieu! I am my dear friend
Yours very affectionately
H. More

Have you seen my large Vol. of Poems lately printed, in which Sally Horne appears[3]


The letter is dated on the postmark.


More wrote a series of tracts in response to riots in the country, and the political activities of William Cobbett. Some were reworkings of earlier tracts, whilst others were newly written. As had been the case in 1795, the 1817 tracts were widely distributed by More’s friends and through chapmen and booksellers.


A new edition of More’s Poems had been published by Cadell and Davies in 1816.