Hannah More to Sarah Horne Hole, August 3rd 1821

To: Mrs. Hole
Address: at Mrs. Horne’s/ near/ Uxbridge
Postmark: None
Seal: Red wax [removed]
Watermarks: SIMMONS 1820

Hannah More/ to Mrs Hole/ Augst 3. 1821

MS: Cambridge University Library, Add.8134/K/12
Published: Undetermined

My dear little Sally Horne

Many thanks for your very kind affectionate letter . It is not, I assure from want of regard that you do not hear from me oftener, but from causes not under my controul . You know perhaps that I have been confined to my room, with one fever succeeding another for more than a year and half, and these few last Months, in which I have been so much better, have yet been so unlike Summer weather that I have not yet been allowed by my Doctor to take an airing in the carriage . I have however I am thankful to say been able to receive a great many kind friends in succession in my room, and indeed I have had almost too many affectionate guests, as much exertion is bad for my chest . The great loss to me with respect to my particular friends is that I have such an overwhelming correspondence, applications &c from strangers or slight acquaintance that those I best love are most neglected by me. You among many others have come in for a share of this neglect, which however by no means includes forgetfulness.

I rejoyce with you on the comfort you must derive from seeing your dear Children so happily settled, and about to be settled. I pray God to grant them his blessing, without which nothing is strong, nothing is holy; and that blessing is abundantly granted to all who live in his faith and fear, and who seek to promote his glory . My love to your amiable daughter and to your dear excellent Mother, who I hope has not forgotten me. As to Mrs. Kennicott All the accounts I receive of that old and excellent friend are discouraging, as to any hope of improvement. I am willing to hope however that she suffers little pain, so her neighbour Mr. Hallam lately assured me. [1]

How many delightful days and Months have we spent together during a friendship of 46 years![2] May we spend a blessed eternity together; and then we shall think our earthly sufferings were less than nothing!

For my own part I am enabled this morning to prepare near seven hundred rewards for my d[tear]est Schools. They are flourishing and tho I am not able to attend them myself, yet I have an amiable and pious Young friend who spends her Summers with me, and in many respects supplies my lack of service. She is a Niece of Lord Exmouth, very pleasant, and strongly attached to me.

Adieu my dear Friend
believe me
faithfully and affectionately
Yours H More


Ann Kennicott would not die until 1831, when she was probably in her eighties.


More had known Ann Kennicott and her husband, Benjamin (1718-83), since around 1780. It was through them that she became acquainted with the Horne family. Mutual, if playful, admiration, lay at the heart of the friendship, with both George Horne and Benjamin Kennicott ‘writing punning poetic tributes to More’ (see Stott, Hannah More: the First Victorian, p. 54).