To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 28 May 1823

To: [Written in another hand] The Lady O. B Sparrow
Address: Brampton Park/ Huntingdon [In More’s hand on the address leaf] Miss Frowd’s best respects
Stamped: None
Postmark: None
Seal: Red wax
Watermarks: Undetermined


MS: British Library, Egerton 1965 f. 89-90
Published: Undetermined

My dearest Lady Olivia

I am in your debt for two very kind and very interesting letters. I feel all the value of your goodness to me in writing when you have so many important avocations, and with such delicate health. With heartfelt /joy/ I hear of the delightful addition to your domestic comforts in the Society of those so dear, so deservedly dear, to you. The safe arrival of the expected little invisible visitor will leave you nothing to desire as to this world’s blessings.[1] And Oh! the joy to think that these precious /blessings/ are not limited to this world, but thro that divine grace which has sanctified your mercies, will extend in their consequences /to that world/ where there will be no interruption to their enjoyment, and no termination to their continuance

What a chain of Providences, especially when one considers every connecting link, may be traced from the conversion of the Vice Consul at Villa France, to the erection of the Church by that dear glorious, rational, Enthusiast, (if I may couple Epithets never meant to meet) to your bestowing on the fine little boy an English Christian education. May the Almighty confirm the important work, of which the consecutive events are so striking! He who has graciously overrated your bitter trials in that Popish land, will not fail to bless a scheme so calculated to promote his glory.[2]

I have been above a year and half confined to my room. I bless God I do not feel any impatience to quit it, which they will not allow me to do till the warm weather is confirmed. I am generally able to see my friends two or three hours in the middle of the day. They are very kind, but my Physician complains that I see too much company. This is sometimes the case, but when they come from a distance, I cannot refuse seeing them; I have /had/ no one to dinner or sleep. The Bp of Gloucester indeed is a privileged person. If any do come My friend entertains them below. I am rather more than usually unwell to day, but I would no longer delay to intreat you my dear Lady to think no more of my little begging petition. If any apology were necessary your immense building expences would be more than sufficient, but none is necessary. I have just received my little legacy from Mrs. Garrick[3] which will carry me thro’ the exigencies of the present season sufficiently, and I may not live to another. Your charities are too extensive to excuse any one from proposing new ones to you; Even in my little way I find five applications for one I used to have, what then must yours be!

How gloriously has the Penticostal Festiva[l] [tear] if I may so call it, in London gone off![4] N[ever] [tear] had they better speaking or a better Subscription at the Bible – Lord Harrowby’s was a model of Patrician dignity, and Classic Elegance. I have had a very interesting letter from Lord Bexley, in answer to one in which I congratulated him on his escape from the toils of Office[5] to a state of leisure which would enable him to do more spiritual good. He said, he shoud warmly devote himself to the Success of the Bible Society, which he believed was established for the Renovation of the human race.

Poor Owen![6] what a chasm has he made! I hear his successor is very promising, but he united so many talents! What a strange match in his family! I inclose a little extemporaneous effusion for dear Lady Mandeville; not that she stands in need of a flapper on that Subject, but because I would recall myself to her recollection. I had many little things I wished to say, but must defer them. Adieu! my dearest Lady Olivia

ever most faithfully yours
H More

I have truly about Mr. Macaulay, am still so tho he is better


The first child of Lady Millicent Sparrow Montagu and her new husband, George Montagu, would be born on 23 October 1823; William Drogo Montagu would later succeed his father as 7th Duke of Manchester.


Lady Olivia Sparrow wintered in Nice and had built a home near there five years earlier. She had given support (intellectual and financial) to the building of a protestant chapel in a suburb of the town.


Eva Maria Veigel Garrick had died the previous October, aged nearly one hundred, and had left More £100 in her will.


A reference, perhaps, to the annual meeting of the British and Foreign Bible Society at Freemasons' Hall, London, on 7 May 1823. When in better health More had been an enthusiastic attender of such meetings. See The Evangelical Magazine and Missionary Chronicle, Volume 1 (1823) (Read at Google Books)


Nicholas Vansittart had been created Baron Bexley of Bexley on 1 March 1823 by George IV, and elevated to the House of Lords.


Rev. John Owen, who had died on 26 September 1822; he was principal secretary of the British and Foreign Bible Society. A 'Character and Obituary of the Rev. John Owen' was printed in the Missionary Register (November, 1822), 449-56. (Read on Google Books)