To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 2 Nov 1827

To: The Lady Olivia Sparrow
Address: None
Stamped: None
Postmark: None
Seal: Red Wax
Watermarks: Undetermined


MS: British Library, Egerton 1965 f. 94
Published: Undetermined

My dearest Lady Olivia

Nothing should have caused me to /delay/ thanking you for your very interesting and kind letter but a painful disorder in my eyes, not the sight but lids. For these 8 Weeks I have not read as many pages, and I ought not to write. When my eyes are better I hope to say more, and express my /interest in/ all your concerns, as nothing that relates to you can be indifferent to me.

You will see by the inclosed that I have embarked in another of my adventurous Sallies. Will you /will/ have the goodness to circulate it It pleases my heavenly Father to have spared me to a great age, to give me more time for repentance and preparation. Thro the piety and kindness of an excellent young Lady, a Niece to Lord Exmouth who almost lives with me, I am enabled to carry on my numerous distant Schools, Female friendly Societies &c. She is hands and eyes to me.

I see too much company, most of them indeed are among ‘ the excellent of the Earth'[1] and such as delight in virtue. But I need more retirement.

Ever my dearest Lady Olivia gratefully yours
H More

I have just had an interesting Visit from from my excellent old friend the Archbishop of Dublin – we had not met for 20 years Tomorrow I expect the Bishop of Bristol[2]


A paraphrase of Psalms 16:3, ‘But to the saints that are in the earth, and to the excellent, in whom is all my delight’ (KJV).


Robert Gray, who had been elevated to the bishopric in February 1827.